It is very important that you have a will in place for when you pass away. There are a number of benefits that come with having a will, including the fact that you can choose who will be in charge of distributing the assets...
There seems to be a common misconception that a will is not necessary for a lot of individuals and they are only for people with a great deal of wealth. This is not the case as by having a Will, regardless of the size...
Many people seem to be under the impression that making a Will is only for the wealthy; however, that is simply not the case. It’s very important that you make a Will in your lifetime. If you don’t make a Will, the assets that...
When you are out there living your life to the fullest, one of the last things that you want to think about is your death, although, unfortunately, it is something we are all going to need to consider at some point. It is important...
As we get older and begin to think more about our possessions and what will happen to them once we pass, we naturally consider whether or not we should register for a will. Many people often wonder whether or not registering for a will...
In the UK, despite the fact there are a number of different organisations out there that will help you and your loved ones with writing your will, there are a lot of people who still avoid doing it. There are a number of different...
If you are concerned about taxes that could be imposed on your Will both during your lifetime and after you have passed away then you should be sure to continue reading. Throughout this article, we are going to be focusing on inheritance, how it’s...
When people buy a property together, they have the choice of entering into the contract as joint tenants or tenants in common. Both come with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages in the case of a split or the death of one of...
When purchasing a property with somebody, there is usually a lot of excitement in the air. In this excitement, it can often be easy to get swept up and, as such, not have a proper thought about the legal protection that you need. Even...
Having to think about writing your will is never a particularly nice experience; however, you also want to be sure that when you pass away, your belongings are going to people you would like them to go to and your estate is being handled...
There is a misconception that trusts can only be used by wealthy people that are looking to protect multiple assets or even overseas property. However, anybody can draw up a lifetime interest trust as part of your will to protect your assets. The benefit...
Any possessions, assets or property you leave to beneficiaries when you die may be subject to Inheritance Tax (IHT) which your family has to pay. HMRC expects payment of IHT before probate has been completed. This means that the money has to be found...
It’s reported that around 2 million people are suffering from long Covid in the UK. When you combine that with the number of people that are suffering from terminal or chronic illnesses, there’s a very strong case for making sure you have a living...
If you marry, divorce and remarry, having already written your will, an ongoing question that comes up is, “does my will remain valid?” In April 2022, the Divorce, Dissolution & Separation Act 2020 came into force which also introduced the new ‘no fault’ divorce,...
In the UK, 31 million people (59%) have not written a will. If you die without making a will, not only does the probate process become longer and more complicated, the people, charities or good causes you want to benefit from your estate won’t...
Living wills, also known as an Advance Decision, Advance Directive (in Scotland and Northern Ireland) or Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment, are made by you in your lifetime. They allow you to decide, in advance, how you want to be treated should you become...
In the UK, 31 million people (59%) have not written a will. If they die without making a will, not only does the probate process become more drawn out and complicated, the people, charities or good causes they want to benefit from their estate...
The latest research from Legal & General reveals attitudes are changing with regard to writing a will. Their survey showed that 37% people in the UK now think differently about a will then they did two years ago, principally because of the impact of...
In the UK, when someone dies, the family or executor, if there is a will, needs to apply for a Grant of Probate, which gives them the authority from the court to ‘administer’, or manage, the deceased’s estate. Who applies for probate depends on...
There is a misconception in the UK that if you have a will, you don’t need to worry about estate planning. In reality, that is not strictly true. Yes, a will does protect your assets, your beneficiaries and goes some way to meeting your...
Approaching the task of making a will can be a daunting prospect; indeed, some people believe they don’t need a will either because the value of their estate is small, they are too young to need a will yet, or they think they can’t...
If you die without a will in place, your estate will be equally distributed to your nearest family members in accordance with intestacy rules. Whilst this may be what you wish for, if it isn’t people may benefit from your estate against your intentions....
If there’s one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has taught a lot of people, it’s the importance of writing a will before your death. According to the deVere Group, enquiries about writing a will increased by 76% during the pandemic, with the main focus on...
According to research by Canada Life, three in five adults in the UK have not written a will; that equates to 59% of the population – 31 million people who have not written down who should inherit their estate, including property, cars, jewellery, artwork...
When you draw up a will, part of the process is to appoint an executor or executors who are tasked with the responsibility of managing your estate when you die. In most cases, it is recommended you choose more than one executor. Being asked...
There is a general misconception that an executor of a will can’t be a beneficiary as well. Actually, that’s not the case at all. An executor can also be a beneficiary. However, there are some tasks they are not allowed to do, as well...
When someone dies, their beneficiaries are required to pay tax on their inheritance if the value of the deceased’s estate is over HMRC’s nil rate band threshold, which currently stands at £325,000. However, it is possible to lessen the tax burden on your family...